Samply – WooCommerce Product Sample Solution



👉 Official Demo Link: Official Demo

POWERED BY WooCommerce

The easy way to handle free product sample. Samply does one thing, and it does it well. It lets you order product as a product sample.

🛍️ Supercharge Your business with the Samply.

Capture compelling and real customer by giving capability to order product sample.

🔥 Button for Simple and Variable Products both: Give access to order variable product as a sample.

🔥 Shortcode: feature to put the sample button on any pages.

🔥 Manage Custom Stock: It allows you to manage custom stock for the sample products. So this will not mess up with the original products stock.

🔥 Shop and Archive Page: It allows you to set the button for the shop and archive pages.

🔥 Dokan plugin compatibility: The sample order functionality works smoothly with Dokan (Multivendor WooCommerce plugin).

🔥 Sample Price: Allows you to set sample price for all sample products.

Pro Features

🔥 Disable Capability for Particular Products and Categories: It allows you to disable the button on particular products and categories.

🔥 Shipping & Tax class: It allows you to set shipping & tax classes for the sample products.

🎉 Conditional Price: Allows you to set conditional price for the sample products.

🎉 User role based Price: Allows you to set user role based sample price.

🚀 Backed By A Trusted Team

This plugin is brought to you by the team behind Samply, a dedicated platform for WordPress, trusted by lots of happy users.



  • Samply Setting Menu.
  • Display Order Free Sample button in the Product Detail Page.
  • Added Product as Free Sample in the Cart Page.
  • Display in the Checkout Page.
  • Display in the Order Receive Page.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin zip file to your plugin directory ‘/wp-content/plugins/’
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to product details and click on Free Product Sample
  4. Configure timezone, start date, end date, stock quantity, maximum quantity for per order and set button label
  5. Save/update product details


Does it work with WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator plugin?

Yes, it will work with WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator plugin.

Does it work with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin?

Yes, it will work with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin.

Does it work with Dokan plugin?

Yes, it will work with Dokan.

Does it work with any WordPress theme?

Yes, it will work with any standard WordPress theme.

Does it work whole store?

Yes, it will work for whole store.

Does it work for individual product?

Yes, it will work for individual product.

Can it set sample price for every single products?

Yes, it can set sample price for every single product.


දෙසැම්බර් 12, 2022
I was looking for a sample product plugin that works with variable products. Samply is a great solution for me. I use it in an eCommerce website that has sample products feature. This plugin solved all my issues like max. quantity per order. Thank you so much.
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Contributors & Developers

“Samply – WooCommerce Product Sample Solution” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Tested on WordPress 6.5.3 and WooCommerce 8.9.1


  • Rename methods name and tested with WordPress 6.2.2


  • Integrate sample price for all products


  • Folder case issue fix


  • Documentation improve
  • Composer exception handle


  • Fixed compatibility issue with Dokan plugin


  • Added custom stock quantity facility


  • Fix tab active issue on settings page


  • Added a shortcode feature to display the sample button on any pages


  • Fixed sample add to cart issue on shop page


  • Compatible with WordPress 6.1


  • Initial version released